Thursday, July 30, 2009


Respiratory system can experience a variety of interference, either because the system aberration due to respiratory infection or bacteria. Several types of interference are:

-Asma/sesak Breath, the breath due to constriction channel forming smooth muscle wall of the channel berkontraksi hold, due to allergies or lack of hormone adrenalin.
-Asfiksi, interference and the use of oxygen carriage by the network due to sinking, pneumonia, CO poisoned.
-Asidosis, due to increased carbonic acid content and acid in the blood bicarbonate Adenoid

-face (face stupid), because the breath constringency channel gland swelling limfa (polypus), swelling in the throat (tonsil).
-Pneumonia, pneumonia due to bacterial infection Diplococcus pneumonia.
-Diphtheria, stoppage faring / laring mucus due to infection by the bacteria Corynebacterium diphteriae
-Emfisema, menggelembungnya lung alveolus due to excessive expansion.
-Tuberculosis (TB), lung disease due to infection of the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosa.

-Inflammation in the respiratory system:

• bronchitis, inflammation bronkhus.
• laringitis, inflammation laring
• faringitis, inflammation faring
• pleuritis, peritonitis lungs
• renitis, sore nose cavity
• sinusitis, sore at the top of the nose cavity (sinus)

sistem pernapasan manusia

Tools respiratory function include air containing oxygen and removing the air containing carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Respiratory process that is the goal to obtain energy. Breathing events occur in the energy release
Man on the respiratory system consists of
o nose
o faring
o trakea
o bronkus
o bronkiouls
o lungs

Cavity Nose
Cavity on the surface of the nose, there are hair-fine hair and mucous that act to filter the air into the nose cavity.

Base of the throat
Base of the throat organized by some form of cartilage jakun. Base of the throat can be closed by valve base of the throat (epiglotis). At the time of ingest food, close the valve is at the base of the throat and breathing time to open the card. At the base of the throat there is a membrane that will vibrate the sound when there is air from the lungs, for example, at the time we talk.

Trachea (trakea) located in the front of the esophagus. In the thoracic cavity, trachea fork bronchus (bronkus). In the lung, bronchus ramify into a very small channel called bronkiolus. Edge bronkiolus form small bubbles, called bubble lungs (alveolus).

Lungs are located in the thoracic cavity. Thoracic cavity and the stomach is restricted by siuatu divider called diaphragm. Lungs are the two lungs and the right of the left lung. Right lung consists of three gelambir (lobus) gelambir namely top, middle and gelambir down gelambir. While the left lung consists of two gelambir the gelambir up and down gelambir. Lungs covered by a membrane lung (pleura).
Alveolus in the lungs is very much in number, approximately 300 million alveolus. The entire surface of the alveolus width estimated 100 times greater than the surface of the body. Alveolus dikekelingi-tube capillary blood vessel.

Gas exchange in Alveolus
Oxygen required for oxidation is taken from the air that we hirup at the time we breathe. At the time breathing the air entering through the channel and respiratory akhirnyan into the alveolus. That there is oxygen in the alveolus berdifusi penetrate the cell wall of alveolus. Eventually into the blood vessel, and bound by the hemoglobin in the blood become oksihemoglobin. Further distributed by the blood throughout the body.
Oksigennya released into the body cells back into so oksihemoglobin hemoglobin. Carbon dioxide produced from the respiratory transported by blood through the vein until the end of the alveolus from alveolus of carbon dioxide released through the respiratory channel in the time we issue a breath.
Thus, the exchange occurs in the alveolus oxygen gas that is incoming and outgoing karnbondioksida.

The process of respiratory
Breathing process that includes two interesting breath or respiratory air to enter and remove the air, the breath or respiratory issue. Interesting breath is called inspiration and the breath is called ekspirasi issue.
Interesting at the time of breath, muscle berkontraksi diaphragm. The diaphragm position over the curve is now so straight into the chest cavity. This is called respiratory stomach. Along with diaphragm muscle contraction, muscle-rib muscles also berkontraksi so that the chest cavity. This is called respiratory chest.
Due to the thoracic cavity, the pressure in the thoracic cavity to be reduced, so that the incoming air from outside through the nose, next through the respiratory channel air into the lungs, so the lungs inflate.
Expenditure caused by the breath melemasnya muscles and diaphragm musculature and rib berkontraksinya also assisted with the muscle belly. Diaphragm to be curved up, rib-bone down to the bottom and to move in the direction, consequently chest cavity so that the pressure decline in the thoracic cavity increases. With the increase of pressure in the thoracic cavity, the air inside the lungs out through respiratory channels.

Capacity Lung tuberculosis
The incoming air out the lungs at the time doing normal respiratory air is called respiratory (tidal air). Air volume in the adult respiratory approximately 500 nl. After we do a normal inspiration, we can still attract deep breath-in. Air can enter after a normal inspiration called complementary air, more or less volume 1500 ml. Once we do ekspirasi usual, we can still blow away the breath with a vengeance. Air that can be issued after the regular ekspirasi called air suplementer, volume approximately 1500 ml.
Although we spent the breath from the lungs with a flat-out turns in the lungs are still the air is called air residue. Volume of air residues more or less in 1500 ml. The number of respiratory air volume, air, complementary, and the air suplementer called the vital capacity of lungs.

jam kerja organ tubuh

Below is a glimpse of working hours, our body's organs and there is little description about what we should do in the hours to maintain our health. Hopefully you can help.

Hours 07.00 - 09.00
Hour picket flank organs are strong, it's breakfast for the establishment of the energy body throughout the day. Drinking juice or herb should before breakfast, so that the stomach is empty of useful substances soon be merged body.

Hours 09.00 - 11.00
Hours picket strong organ spleen, in mentransportasi liquid nutrition for energy growth. When the hours this sleepy, it means the spleen is weak. Reduce consumption of sugar, fat, oil and animal protein.

Hours 11:00 - 13:00
Hours picket strong heart organ, must rest, avoid heat and physical manner, ambition and emotional disturbances, especially in people with blood vessel.

Hours 13:00 - 15:00
Hour picket organ weak heart, when people sleep, gather in the blood red heart and organ regeneration process occurs cells hearts. Strong function of the heart when the body strong to prevent any disease.

Hours 15:00 - 17:00
Hour picket organ lungs weak, needed rest, sleep for the discharge of toxic and the process of the formation of energy consumption

Hours 17:00 - 19:00
Hours picket strong organ kidney, should be used to study the process due to the formation of bone marrow and the brain and intellect.

19.00 - 21.00
Hour picket organ weak stomach should not consume food which is difficult or long digested digested or better is to stop eating

Hours 21:00 - 23:00
Hour picket organ spleen is weak, the process occurs and the discharge of toxic spleen cell regeneration process. Should rest while listening to music that calms the soul, to enhance immunity.

Hours 23:00 to 01:00
Hour picket organ weak heart. Bed rest should have been, if still working or begadang can weaken the heart function.

Hours 01.00 - 03.00
Hour picket organ heart strong. There was a process of toxic disposal / waste of body metabolism. If there is any interference in the function of heart reflected the dirt and disruption. If there is any injury will be felt in pain.

Hours 03.00 - 05.00
Hour picket organ lungs strong, the process of waste disposal occurred / organ toxicity in the lungs, occurs when coughing, sneezing, sneezing and sweating indicates the existence of interference lung function. We recommend to use it to get a breath of energy tuberculosis healthy and strong.

Hours 05.00 - 07.00
Hours picket colon powerful organ, it is regularly biasakan CHAPTER


Versi Indonesia

Jam Kerja Organ Tubuh

Di bawah ini adalah sekilas tentang jam kerja organ tubuh kita dan ada sedikit deskripsi tentang apa yang sebaiknya kita lakukan pada jam-jam tersebut untuk menjaga kesehatan kita. Semoga dapat membantu.

Jam 07.00 - 09.00
Jam piket organ lambung sedang kuat, sebaiknya makan pagi untuk proses pembentukan energi tubuh sepanjang hari. Minum jus atau ramuan sebaiknya sebelum sarapan pagi, perut masih kosong sehingga zat yang berguna segera terserap tubuh.

Jam 09.00 - 11.00
Jam piket organ limpa kuat, dalam mentransportasi cairan nutrisi untuk energi pertumbuhan. Bila pada jam-jam ini mengantuk, berarti fungsi limpa lemah. Kurangi konsumsi gula, lemak, minyak dan protein hewani.

Jam 11.00 - 13.00
Jam piket organ jantung kuat, harus istirahat, hindari panas dan olah fisik, ambisi dan emosi terutama pada penderita gangguan pembuluh darah.

Jam 13.00 - 15.00
Jam piket organ hati lemah, bila orang tidur, darah merah berkumpul dalam organ hati dan terjadi proses regenerasi sel-sel hati. Apabila fungsi hati kuat maka tubuh kuat untuk menangkal semua penyakit.

Jam 15.00 - 17.00
Jam piket organ paru-paru lemah, diperlukan istirahat, tidur untuk proses pembuangan racun dan proses pembentukan energi paru-paru

Jam 17.00 - 19.00
Jam piket organ ginjal kuat, sebaiknya digunakan untuk belajar karena terjadi proses pembentukan sumsum tulang dan otak serta kecerdasan.

Jam 19.00 - 21.00
Jam piket organ lambung lemah sebaiknya tidak mengkonsumsi makan yang sulit dicerna atau lama dicerna atau lebih baik sudah berhenti makan

Jam 21.00 - 23.00
Jam piket organ limpa lemah, terjadi proses pembuangan racun dan proses regenerasi sel limpa. Sebaiknya istirahat sambil mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan jiwa, untuk meningkatkan imunitas.

Jam 23.00 - 01.00
Jam piket organ jantung lemah. Sebaiknya sudah beristirahat tidur, apabila masih terus bekerja atau begadang dapat melemahkan fungsi jantung.

Jam 01.00 - 03.00
Jam piket organ hati kuat. Terjadi proses pembuangan racun/limbah hasil metabolisme tubuh. Apabila ada gangguan fungsi hati tercermin pada kotoran dan gangguan mata. Apabila ada luka dalam akan terasa nyeri.

Jam 03.00 - 05.00
Jam piket organ paru-paru kuat, terjadi proses pembuangan limbah/racun pada organ paru-paru, apabila terjadi batuk, bersin-bersin dan berkeringat menandakan adanya gangguan fungsi paru-paru. Sebaiknya digunakan untuk olah nafas untuk mendapatkan energi paru yang sehat dan kuat.

Jam 05.00 - 07.00
Jam piket organ usus besar kuat, sebaiknya biasakan BAB secara teratur.